Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Accurate Modeling of Viruses – Spherical Particle Shape, Size, and Density

Spherical Particle Shape of Coronavirus from CDC

Spherical Particle Shape of Viruses and Droplets: Due to the global pandemic, there has been a big focus on Coronavirus research and a lot of pressure for researchers and scientists to understand how Coronavirus spreads, as well as how we can effectively stop that spread by implementing effective cleaning protocols, prevention of respiratory droplets traveling, … Read more

3 Scenarios When Density of Microspheres Matters in Research

Does Density of Microspheres Matter for Fluid Suspension?

When is the density of microspheres important? Density of microspheres controls the buoyancy of each particle and its behavior in a system or process. Let’s look at three scenarios: (1) suspension of microspheres in a specific fluid, (2) fluid flow, performing flow visualizations, or particle image velocimetry, and (3) simulation or modeling of objects with specific density.

Suspension of Hydrophobic Particles in Aqueous Solution – Density Gradients

Hydrophobic Particles in Solution

Fortunately, there is a simple way to overcome the hydrophobic effect. It is called a surfactant, a detergent, or simply ?soap.? Surfactant is a magical molecule that has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, which coats the particles and helps them mix into water. The same mechanism applies when we use soap to wash greasy dishes or stained clothes.

Cospheric is Enabling Breakthroughs with Precision Microspheres

Properties of Microspheres - Composition

Yelena Lipovetskaya, the CEO and co-founder of Cospheric LLC, the leading global supplier of precision microspheres, was recently interviewed on 805conversations podcast which features engaging talks with leaders and thinkers in the 805 region in California. In this podcast, Yelena talks about the microsphere company, the foundations, and the path forward. Yelena answers a lot … Read more

Neutrally Buoyant Particles – What Are They, What Are They Used For, How to Use Them?

Suspension of microspheres in water enables the visualization and characterization of fluid flow and testing the capability of devices to withstand particulate matter in the fluid stream, ensuring that microspheres do not settle and do not float on the surface. Most of these polymer microspheres are at least moderately opaque and clearly visible in water, clear or translucent liquids.