Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Silica Nanospheres as Photonic Nanostructure Found in the ‘Disco’ Clam Ctennoides Ales

Silica Nanospheres in a disco’ or ‘electric’ clam Ctenoides ales

Silica Nanospheres in a Photonic Display Scientists from University of California at Berkeley have recently discovered that a strange naturally occurring bright display of the ‘disco’ or ‘electric’ clam Ctenoides ales is actually a photonic display created by a layer of silica nanospheres. The display functions solely by reflecting light. Their article was published in … Read more

Silane and Fluorochemical Coated Glass Spheres

The following products are offered in both Silane and Fluorochemical Coating.
P2011SL 3-6um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2015SL 8-12um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2050SL 35-45um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2075SL 65-75um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2453BTA 40-60um mean diameter solid barium titanate glass with aluminum shell.

High Index of Refraction Retroreflective Glass Microspheres

Barium Titanate Glass Microspheres are excellent for use as a functional retro reflective additive to paints and coatings. Spheres with sizes of about 50 micron (~0.002 inches) mean diameter provide a small enough size for most coatings while offering a large enough size to reflective a significant amount of light. Barium Titanate Glass Spheres are offered in both partially aluminum coated retro-reflective version for addition into transparent coatings, or as uncoated glass spherical powder for uses in colored paints.