Microspheres Online

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Exfoliating Beads: Clinical Study

Mickey McDonnell ? Honeywell, United States? conducted a study about exfoliating polyethylene beads ~325um diameter.? His article was published in personal care magazine.

300-355um Diameter PE microspheres

ABSTRACT from article:
Exfoliating beads have a long history in cosmetics, but we are unaware of previous studies on the effect of their regular use. A clinical study with 10 subjects shows that regular exfoliation leads to a reduction in the cell turnover time of the stratum corneum (SC) by about 15% (significant at the 95% level). Standard models of skin function interpret increased cell turnover time as increased desquamation. The regularly exfoliated skin also had a significantly increased uptake of dansyl chloride dye. Higher stain uptake accompanying the increase in desquamation suggests that regular exfoliation promotes addition of new cells to the SC. The study acclimatised the test panel to the exfoliant treatment for two weeks prior to the measurements to minimise the chance that results could be attributed to a shift in treatment procedures.

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The author calls the exfoliating material beads (325um).? But they?are also commonly called?polyethylene microspheres.

This study focuses on abrassive exfoliation with polyethylene microspheres.? Exfoliants can also work through the use of either itty bitty bits of abrasives such as crushed apricot pits, crushed almond shell, pumice, etc., or light acids like salicylic, citric, malic, etc. The means are different but the results are the same. Exfoliants remove the dead skin cells from the face that cause a clogged pore. The removal of these dead skin cells will minimize pores and open pores for cleaning. Microdermabrasion is yet another effective exfoliation method that, while it can be done at home, is generally done at salons.