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Innovations in Cosmetic Ingredients – Exploring the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Supplier’s Day 2023

The Push for Innovation in Cosmetic Ingredients

Society of Cosmetic Chemists - Innovations in Cosmetic Ingredients
Society of Cosmetic Chemists – Innovations in Cosmetic Ingredients

The push for constant innovation in cosmetic ingredients drives the growth of the constantly evolving beauty and cosmetics industries. Professionals in this field eagerly anticipate opportunities to explore new products, cosmetic ingredients, and latest trends.

The SCC (Society of Cosmetic Chemists) 2023 Supplier’s Day is one such occasion that recently took place at the Long Beach Convention Center in California.

This renowned event serves as a center for the beauty industry innovations, offering a glimpse into the future of cosmetic science, product development, and innovations in cosmetic ingredients.

What is Supplier’s Day?

Applications of Microspheres in Cosmetics
Microspheres in Cosmetics

The SCC Supplier’s Day is a notable event that gathers R&D chemists, formulators, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, distributors and more from the cosmetics and personal care industry.

Occurring once every two years, this trade show provides a platform for exhibitors to showcase their latest innovations in cosmetic ingredients and packaging solutions. Admission to the event is free.

What Makes SCC Supplier’s Day Unique?

Booths Displaying Innovations in Cosmetics

The event features an extensive selection of booths, where suppliers showcase their latest innovations in cosmetics. From skincare and haircare to color cosmetics and fragrance, there’s something for everyone in the industry. Notable companies present at the event were BASF, Dow Chemical, Barentz, Clariant, Sensient, Kobo, AGC, DD Chemco, and others.

Networking Opportunities in Cosmetics Industry

Attendees have the opportunity to establish connections with experts and peers in the cosmetic industry, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing. This event presents an excellent networking occasion, facilitating professionals in establishing connections with each other.

Educational Sessions

Innovation in Cosmetic IngredientsThe SCC Supplier’s Day also features informative and educational sessions, encompassing seminars and workshops covering a wide range of topics pertaining to cosmetic trends, formulation, and regulations.

These sessions offer valuable insights on the latest trends and innovations in cosmetic ingredients that are currently influencing the industry.

Some session topics included microbiome advances, myth busting, green chemistry (the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances), Preservation Systems, challenges of OTC, and more.

New Cosmetic Ingredients Launches

Sourcing Microspheres - 3M Ceramic Spheres and Glass Bubbles
Sourcing Microspheres – 3M Ceramic Spheres and Glass Bubbles

One of the highlights of the event is the is the introduction of innovative cosmetic products. This is where attendees get a sneak peek into the industry’s future.

Supplier’s Day is the ideal event to explore innovations in cosmetic ingredients and sustainable packaging solutions. The event additionally showcases the latest trends, which mirror the increasing need for improved products. Some notable trends included:

Clean and natural beauty:

Custom precision density of particles

Consumers are progressively seeking clean and natural beauty products. They are looking for formulations that contain a limited amount of synthetic ingredients, do not contain parabens or sulfates, and include plant-based, organic, or sustainably derived components.

It is worth mentioning that the FDA does not have a specific legal definition for “clean” and “natural” beauty. Therefore, different brands may have varying interpretations of what defines “clean” and “natural”.

However, many companies make an effort to offer high-quality products that meet consumer expectations.  There is a multitude of companies actively promoting the use of “clean” products, making it difficult to list them all.

Sustainability in cosmetics:


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Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

Sustainability is a significant driver of innovations in cosmetic ingredients. Consumers are seeking brands and products with eco-friendly packaging, reduced water usage, and a commitment to reducing their environmental impact.

Brands are adopting refillable and recyclable packaging, reducing single-use plastics, and sourcing ingredients responsibly. Some companies that can provide more eco-friendly packaging include ABA Packaging Corporation and Paramount Global.

Microbiome-friendly products:

There is a growing interest in skincare products that promote the health of the skin’s microbiome.

Skincare formulas are now using prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics to maintain a healthy skin barrier.

Ultra Chemical offers ingredients that include natural prebiotics to rebalance the skin’s microbiome such as BIOLIN/P and the preBIULIN line.

Moreover, most companies have the capability to offer microbiome testing, like HelloBiome, Sequential Bio, and Ultra Chemical.

Sunscreen and UV protection:

There has been a rise in awareness regarding the significance of sun protection. Consumers seek sunscreen and UV protection products that are both safe and effective, while also providing daily comfort.

Several companies (such as Evercare and Uviva) engage in improving sunscreens by providing high quality zinc oxides or ingredients that enhance the texture of sunscreens.  

Additionally, AGC offers a range of silica microspheres called SOLESPHERE, which not only improves the texture and feel but provides SPF boost. 

The Impact of SCC Supplier’s Day

What are Microcapsules?
Photo by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash

The SCC Supplier’s Day is an influential event that significantly impacts the cosmetics and personal care industry. It promotes collaboration and facilitates the exchange of ideas, thereby pushing innovation in cosmetic ingredients forward.

The knowledge acquired from the event frequently results in the creation of novel and enhanced products that are advantageous for both beauty businesses and consumers.

As the cosmetics and personal care industries continue to adapt to changing consumer preferences, regulations, and technological advancements, events like SCC Supplier’s Day serve as a catalyst for the cosmetic industry’s growth.


In conclusion, the SCC Supplier’s Day is a highly anticipated event in the cosmetics and personal care industry. Held once every two years, it offers a unique opportunity for professionals to explore the latest innovations in cosmetic ingredients, establish connections, and gain valuable insights into the future of the beauty industry.

As the industry continues to evolve, the SCC Supplier’s Day remains a vital platform for driving progress and sustainability in the field.