Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Janus Particles – Properties and Applications

Bichromal (half-white half-black or any other color) Microspheres, Janus Particles

What are Janus Particles? Named after two-faced Roman god Janus who looks to both the future and the past, Janus particles are typically microscopic spheres composed of two different regions. Originally the term “janus particles” was used in reference only to particles that had a hydrophobic surface on one hemisphere and a hydrophilic surface on … Read more

Custom Janus Particles, Microspheres, Microbeads – Bichromal Particles

Custom Janus Particles - Ceramic

What are Custom Janus Particles? Janus particle is anisotropic and refers to a particle, typically of spherical shape, with two hemispheres which may vary in color, optical properties, surface tension, electrostatic charge, magnetic response, conductivity, fluorescence, reflectivity and more. Custom Janus Particles Manufacturing Cospheric LLC uses a patented process to offer a unique capability of … Read more