Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Silica Nanospheres as Photonic Nanostructure Found in the ‘Disco’ Clam Ctennoides Ales

Silica Nanospheres in a disco’ or ‘electric’ clam Ctenoides ales

Silica Nanospheres in a Photonic Display Scientists from University of California at Berkeley have recently discovered that a strange naturally occurring bright display of the ‘disco’ or ‘electric’ clam Ctenoides ales is actually a photonic display created by a layer of silica nanospheres. The display functions solely by reflecting light. Their article was published in … Read more

Monodisperse Silica Nanospheres and Microspheres – Dry Powder

Silica nanoparticles and nanospheres are now available in distributions of less than 10% CV in the sizes of 0.25 micron, 0.5micron, 0.75 micron, 1.0 micron, 4 micron and 8 micron.

Silica Microspheres – 6 micron mean Diameter

Silica is a chemically stable inorganic synthetic material. It has the benefit of providing no irritation to human skin. Silica is essentially transparent, colorless and promote a high degree of slip in products. The skin feel is generally lubricious in nature. Spherical silica imparts exceptional lubricity to loose and pressed powder products. The effect is increased ‘play time’ and a luxurious feel. Spherical products with mean particle size between 3 to 10 micron will scatter light on the surface of its particle, ie which are transparent, but give natural coverage.