Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Particle Image Velocimetry and Tracer Particle Visibility

Microspheres in Biotechnology - Modeling of Bacteria Behavior

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) expresses a vast field with varying techniques and data acquisition methods. However, the main goal is providing an optical method of flow visualization. The exact information obtained depends on which method is used, with new algorithms and approaches being discovered constantly. There are generally two ways data is obtained PIV and … Read more

Negatively-charged Yellow Microparticles – Back in Stock

Cospheric’s neutrally-buoyant highly charged yellow microspheres have a strong negative charge and are used by scientists in medical technology, biotechnology, applied physics and research. Precise particles with known density of 1.0g/cc that behave in a known way are useful as a model particles in simulation experiments.? Particles in a range of diameters from 5micron to … Read more