Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Custom Janus Particles, Microspheres, Microbeads – Bichromal Particles

Custom Janus Particles - Ceramic

What are Custom Janus Particles? Janus particle is anisotropic and refers to a particle, typically of spherical shape, with two hemispheres which may vary in color, optical properties, surface tension, electrostatic charge, magnetic response, conductivity, fluorescence, reflectivity and more. Custom Janus Particles Manufacturing Cospheric LLC uses a patented process to offer a unique capability of … Read more

Magnetic Microspheres – New Size Ranges Offered

Cospheric announces new particle size ranges for its BKPMS, Paramagnetic Microsphere product.

Thanks to customer demand for narrower particle size ranges of paramagnetic microspheres. Cospheric has added the following sizes to its extensive inventory of microspheres offered in the dry powder form:

ParaMagnetic Microspheres

These highly spherical polyethylene microspheres offer the flow-ability of standard microspheres, with the ability to be separated from other materials for re-use and cleanup.