Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Silane and Fluorochemical Coated Glass Spheres

The following products are offered in both Silane and Fluorochemical Coating.
P2011SL 3-6um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2015SL 8-12um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2050SL 35-45um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2075SL 65-75um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2453BTA 40-60um mean diameter solid barium titanate glass with aluminum shell.

Microspheres for Coatings Applications (Opaque Polyethylene)

Microspheres are well known in the coatings industry for their use as low-surface-area fillers that offer benefits in viscosity and density control, solids content, application and flow characteristics.

Hemispherically Coated Spheres

Cospheric LLC, a Santa Barbara-based microtechnology company, recently launched a line of opaque polyethylene microspheres that act as a superior opacifying agent and provide maximum hiding power with just one monolayer of microspheres as small as 40 microns in diameter. Microspheres are manufactured in any color imaginable and even in combinations of two differently colored hemispheres.

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