Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Particle Image Velocimetry – Intro to Tracer Particle Parameters

Silver Coated Hollow Glass Microspheres - Neutrally-Buyoant Microparticles

PIV is a vast field with varying techniques and differing areas of research. Techniques vary from 2D PIV, only viewing velocity in a plane of the fluid system, to high speed TOMO PIV which views a 3D area of fluid and can be time resolved allowing for acceleration data to also be obtained. Another difference … Read more

Particle Image Velocimetry and Tracer Particle Visibility

Microspheres in Biotechnology - Modeling of Bacteria Behavior

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) expresses a vast field with varying techniques and data acquisition methods. However, the main goal is providing an optical method of flow visualization. The exact information obtained depends on which method is used, with new algorithms and approaches being discovered constantly. There are generally two ways data is obtained PIV and … Read more

Janus Particles – Properties and Applications

Bichromal (half-white half-black or any other color) Microspheres, Janus Particles

What are Janus Particles? Named after two-faced Roman god Janus who looks to both the future and the past, Janus particles are typically microscopic spheres composed of two different regions. Originally the term “janus particles” was used in reference only to particles that had a hydrophobic surface on one hemisphere and a hydrophilic surface on … Read more

Fluorescent Tracer Microspheres – Properties and Applications

Fluorescent Tracer Particles

Fluorescent microspheres are round spherical particles that emit bright colors when illuminated by UV light. Ability to emit intense color under UV (black light) illumination provides contrast and visibility of microspheres relative to background materials.