Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Cospheric is Enabling Breakthroughs with Precision Microspheres

Properties of Microspheres - Composition

Yelena Lipovetskaya, the CEO and co-founder of Cospheric LLC, the leading global supplier of precision microspheres, was recently interviewed on 805conversations podcast which features engaging talks with leaders and thinkers in the 805 region in California. In this podcast, Yelena talks about the microsphere company, the foundations, and the path forward. Yelena answers a lot … Read more

12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry

Sourcing Microspheres - Monodisperse Silica

Cospheric participated in the 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry in Busan, Korea, with the hope of sharing knowledge about seeding particles involved in PIV research and advancements in microsphere technology which would benefit the work being done in flow visualization. Through conversations with many attendees we were able to gather information on some … Read more

Microspheres Simulate Contamination in Self-Cleaning Gecko-Inspired Adhesives

Image of Self-cleaning Adhesive of Gecko's Toes

When choosing a controlled tracer particle for process development and troubleshooting, there are many benefits when microspheres simulate contamination. Colored and fluorescent microspheres provide a highly visible marker of controlled size and shape, allowing scientists and engineers to observe and troubleshoot the process in order to best understand where the contamination is coming from, develop … Read more

Silica Nanospheres as Photonic Nanostructure Found in the ‘Disco’ Clam Ctennoides Ales

Silica Nanospheres in a disco’ or ‘electric’ clam Ctenoides ales

Silica Nanospheres in a Photonic Display Scientists from University of California at Berkeley have recently discovered that a strange naturally occurring bright display of the ‘disco’ or ‘electric’ clam Ctenoides ales is actually a photonic display created by a layer of silica nanospheres. The display functions solely by reflecting light. Their article was published in … Read more

Black Paramagnetic Spheres and Micropsheres 10micron to 1.4mm

Black Paramagnetic Microspheres

Black polyethylene paramagnetic microspheres are now available in wide selection of particle sizes ranging from 10 micron to 1.4 millimeters. The particles are supplied in dry powder form. No solvents are used in the manufacturing process. Black paramagnetic polymer microspheres have a strong response to magnetic fields and can be manipulated with a magnet. Highly … Read more

Custom Janus Particles, Microspheres, Microbeads – Bichromal Particles

Custom Janus Particles - Ceramic

What are Custom Janus Particles? Janus particle is anisotropic and refers to a particle, typically of spherical shape, with two hemispheres which may vary in color, optical properties, surface tension, electrostatic charge, magnetic response, conductivity, fluorescence, reflectivity and more. Custom Janus Particles Manufacturing Cospheric LLC uses a patented process to offer a unique capability of … Read more

Market Research Report – Microspheres: Technologies and Global Markets – 2013

REPORT SUMMARY: In summer of 2013 BCC Research has issued an updated market research report on Microspheres: Technologies and Global Markets. According to the report, the global market for microspheres was estimated to total nearly $2.2 billion in 2012 and is projected to increase to $2.4 billion in 2013; the market should total $4.4 billion … Read more

Negatively-charged Yellow Microparticles – Back in Stock

Cospheric’s neutrally-buoyant highly charged yellow microspheres have a strong negative charge and are used by scientists in medical technology, biotechnology, applied physics and research. Precise particles with known density of 1.0g/cc that behave in a known way are useful as a model particles in simulation experiments.? Particles in a range of diameters from 5micron to … Read more

Silane and Fluorochemical Coated Glass Spheres

The following products are offered in both Silane and Fluorochemical Coating.
P2011SL 3-6um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2015SL 8-12um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2050SL 35-45um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2075SL 65-75um mean diameter solid soda lime glass
P2453BTA 40-60um mean diameter solid barium titanate glass with aluminum shell.