Everything about microspheres and research utilizing precision spherical particles.

Accurate Modeling of Viruses – Spherical Particle Shape, Size, and Density

Spherical Particle Shape of Coronavirus from CDC

Spherical Particle Shape of Viruses and Droplets: Due to the global pandemic, there has been a big focus on Coronavirus research and a lot of pressure for researchers and scientists to understand how Coronavirus spreads, as well as how we can effectively stop that spread by implementing effective cleaning protocols, prevention of respiratory droplets traveling, … Read more

3 Scenarios When Density of Microspheres Matters in Research

Does Density of Microspheres Matter for Fluid Suspension?

When is the density of microspheres important? Density of microspheres controls the buoyancy of each particle and its behavior in a system or process. Let’s look at three scenarios: (1) suspension of microspheres in a specific fluid, (2) fluid flow, performing flow visualizations, or particle image velocimetry, and (3) simulation or modeling of objects with specific density.

Are Microplastics Toxic to the Environment? Literature Review

Are Microplastics Toxic? Effects of Microplastics on the Environment

What are microplastics? Microplastic (MP) is a broad term used to describe microscopic plastics with sizes ranging from 1um to 5mm1. Anything less than that can be considered nanoplastic (NP), which is also prevalent in the ocean. The shapes of microplastics can vary from fragments, fibers, pellets, film, and spheres((Luís Carlos de Sá, Miguel Oliveira, … Read more

Suspension of Hydrophobic Particles in Aqueous Solution – Density Gradients

Hydrophobic Particles in Solution

Fortunately, there is a simple way to overcome the hydrophobic effect. It is called a surfactant, a detergent, or simply ?soap.? Surfactant is a magical molecule that has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, which coats the particles and helps them mix into water. The same mechanism applies when we use soap to wash greasy dishes or stained clothes.

Particle Dispersion Experiments in Plant Canopies

UV Fluorescent Tracer Microspheres

Fluorescent Microspheres in Particle Dispersion Experiment Fluorescent microspheres produced by Cospheric LLC were used as part of ongoing work to to conduct particle dispersion experiments in plant canopies and study the mechanisms of fungal epidemiology in vineyards. The University of Utah in collaboration with USDA Labs in Corvallis, OR performed five field particle dispersion campaigns … Read more

Microspheres in Drug Delivery Systems – 2 Essential Uses

Polystyrene Microspheres

Benefits of Microspheres in Drug Delivery There are numerous benefits of using microspheres in drug delivery due to their precise uniform dimensions, larger surface area per unit volume, as well as the ability to be surface-functioalized or loaded with active compounds and other additives. Typically microspheres in drug delivery are manufactured out of biodegradable materials … Read more

Use of Polyethylene Spheres to Study Effect of Microplastics Transport in Soil

Effect on Microplastics Transport

Despite great general benefits derived from plastic use, accumulation of plastic material in ecosystems, and especially microplastics, is becoming an increasing environmental concern. Microplastic has been extensively studied in aquatic environments, with very few studies focusing on soils. Overview of the study on microplastics transport in soil: Scientists tested the idea that microplastic particles (polyethylene … Read more

Fluorescent Tracer Microspheres – Properties and Applications

Fluorescent Tracer Particles

Fluorescent microspheres are round spherical particles that emit bright colors when illuminated by UV light. Ability to emit intense color under UV (black light) illumination provides contrast and visibility of microspheres relative to background materials.